Category Archives: The Goddess



I am so darn happy I could go to a forest and hug sixty tree’s! Whoa there Tonto….wait…I did already!

I am not a one-way-or-no-way kinda being….I have a HUGE respect for the big ol wide gambit of ALL creature’s…everything under the Sun and Moon and everything beyond them….whoever you are…whatever you believe in…I am only ever going to come at ya in LOVE.  If your a mean person who does mean thing’s intentionally to creature’s then I am not going to align myself with you but I will always ask the Universe…ALL the Higher Power’s to ‘go to you now’ to give you Medicine….in which ever way ‘they’ see fit…I will always pray ‘For the Highest Good of ALL’…if I don’t understand, if I am confused to the point of numbness…then I have to ‘hand it over and UP’….in the name of Love.

I have stopped falling down the rabbit-hole…those last few months….ew!…ME NOT LIKE! Well lets face it…change is always only going to be comfortable or wet-socks kinda torrential… Well in that case I had wet hair, wet pants, and mascara melted into my cheek-bones…my heart was all raw and weepy and when I looked into the mirror I saw like a 100 year old Death-Metal-Band- member version of my Mother starring back at me…(you know what I mean Ma…stress is a tad aging and um….visually concerning.)

I really am in a new Wonderland…feeling much better and then some!  Not wanting to blow my own pan-pipe or anything but the other day a sparrow flew onto my lap in the forest and stayed there twittering beautifully to me for like 45 seconds or so…as he hopped up and down my legs two Fan-Tails fluttered with gusto about my head!…I was hoping that the tree in front of me would take -on an Ent-like disposition and start dancing with me to a Florence And The Machine track but I was more than happy with the bird who mistook me for Snow White.

The photo is me…and this palm-to-palm pose is what I do now when…I need to focus and be grateful…to give thank’s and to set an intention.  Yep I went through an ew-patch but….its passed…they always do sweety’s…and hey I know there will be another tricky time in the future…that ‘s the ol life-trip deal…but for now I am thankful for The Lesson…LIFE IS MAGICAL…and I’m flowing with The Go….xxx

How A’muse’ ing…..

How A’muse’ ing…..

Sometimes you get stunned by the tranquilizer-dart of the Muse Goddess. As you fall into a slumber you KNOW that once you arrive at the state of Muse-induced unconsciousness that She want’s you to SEE something.  When I saw this image…I started to swim in a pool of her lovingly concocted Truth serum.  I thought…’Oh good Goddess it’s me in a profile!’.

The Jane Austin theatrical hair-up, the zodiac horn of Aries, the stage make-up, the artistic painted-on cheek, the mask…oh the mask!. Mmmm… although beautiful, intricate, veiled and mysterious…it still cover’s the eyes and mouth…a mask is a mask after all….

I want to see…clearly.  I want to speak with no barrier’s. Show my quirky pop of color.  I want to be a bare-faced truth-sayer.  Each day I want to rise-up and etch my finger’s along the groove’s of my’ I AM ‘- Arian horn’s, stand strong on MY humble little hill and let-my-hair- down so that it may fly up and away to entwine with the highest mountain’s, the sky…and the Mighty beyond!

My wish for you all this year is that you will be free to EXPRESS yourself’s…without running, hiding, or covering-up one single aspect of your Divinity.  There is nothing wrong with taking a glimpse behind (it is important to remember, give thank’s, bless and let go.)  It is important to turn full circle to the North, South, East and West..(.awareness, beauty, danger, light and darkness is what this world has always contained).  It is o.k to look down…(you need to make sure that you are GROUNDED in Spirit today.)  Lift your head now and look forward…no matter the road ahead,or who you are, you are always TRUTH -headed.  Lastly look Up….and take great comfort…the Greatest comfort of all…in the knowledge that you are LOVED no matter the mask you wear, no matter the skin you bare….your SOUL is the most precious color in the Universe….it’s the color of Love xxxxx