Toast, a kiss, and a tattooed Prince.

Toast, a kiss, and a tattooed Prince.

What is going on my dear friend’s?  Of late I am the receiver of all these present’s…and the card keep’s reading…For You Trace with Love from The Divine.  If I cry ANY more Happy Tear’s of a day…I am going to have to take a change of clothes with me every time I step out the door!  These were the precious interception’s in my yesterday….

Drinking my morning coffee, looking out of my bedroom window I saw toast come flying out of the kitchen window of the house next door.  A little boy in pajama’s then appear’s and say’s ‘Grandma! You can’t feed the bird’s BURNT toast it will hurt their tummy’s and taste like smoke!  Grandma follow’s him out, trying not to laugh at his insanely cute determination.

He pick’s up the toast frowning and shaking his head…”Grandma you have ‘deelishush’ budgie seed inside…why can’t we give some to the ‘outside bird’s’?  Grandma’s face beamed.  I could tell she was BASKING in that moment shared with her darling Grandson…and as she picked him up she inhaled deeply the smell of him…the joy of him…the sweetness of his innocent wisdom….’Of course we can my lovely boy…that is a WONDERFUL idea…you are so kind…’

At the supermarket, later that morning I was putting apple’s in my basket…I look up and a little baby is sitting in a trolley, smiling right into my eye’s…I blow her a kiss…she blow’s one back.

On the bus coming home from the city much later that day I sat next to a young man with heavy facial tattoo’s, several facial piercing’s and the biggest mohawk hair-do that I have seen in DECADES!!!!…I am talking EPIC.  When seeing a very elderly couple being helped onto the bus by the driver he turn’s to me and say’s.’Um..excuse me, would you mind giving-up your seat with me for those two because the bus is full?

‘Of course I will’  I said grinning like The Cheshire Cat.

He then helped them to the seat, arranged the trundler the lady had to sit securely..and then said ‘Now are you both comfortable?’  The elderly couple both chimed a dozen time’s ‘Yes dear, thank you thank you’s’ between them and the little old lady even took his hand and squeezed it in gratitude.

Life just keep’s cracking my heart open in Love…every day there is an Angel in My Sky…and Angel’s on the Ground.  I love my life.xxxx

2 responses »

    • Thank’s lovey…my day’s seem to roll in three’s..three clumsy accident’s, three lovely surprise’s, three bill’s in the letterbox, three unexpected visit’s from friend’s or three moment’s where I get to witness the beautiful exchange’s between the creature’s that inhabit this planet alongside me…it’s ALL the stuff of life and I do love it so.

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